Study days

Students come to our study days for various reasons: while one student may have limited time to study due to their job commitments, others may struggle with procrastination, and others still might want to ask questions while studying to avoid wasting time wading through challenging material.

Would you like to increase your motivation, planning skills and concentration? Join us for a study day!

What do we do during study days?

We often hear from students that they get more work done in one day with Studiemeesters than in a week at home. They manage to achieve this by developing one or more of the following aspects during study days:

Minimise distraction: We ensure that you won’t be distracted by the regular culprits such as social media or your mobile phone. Are your own thoughts distracting you? Not to worry, we have a full arsenal of strategies and solutions.

Create insight into your material: We ensure that you have a clear understanding of what needs to be taken care of first. This allows you to work on one clear task at a time with great focus. Working with a reliable study schedule allows you to trust that you’ll get to the rest of your tasks in due time.

Improve your study rhythm: Do you study at set times? When do you study best? How can you ensure that you can stay motivated whilst also sticking to your structure? We will work together to improve your study rhythm! We will take your unique strengths and challenges into consideration to find out what works best for you.

Critical overview of your weekly calendar: What is keeping you from investing sufficient time into your studies? Are other things getting in the way? What is most important? Is there room for adjustment to allow you more time to study and even relax?

Would you like to study more productively? Stop by for a no-obligation intake and discover everything that Studiemeesters can do for you.

Complimentary intake

Study days in brief:

  • attention for planning, concentration, motivation
  • space to ask questions when struggling
  • quiet workspace with coffee, tea and Wi-Fi
  • set break times
  • work with a daily schedule