‘How-to-plan’ coaching – Studying to a plan, without procrastinating

For all students

How-to-plan coaching is given to higher education students of all ages and backgrounds. They have one thing in common, namely their procrastination of study tasks. Some students may experience procrastination as relaxing, whereas others find it stressful.

For better study results

If you study without a plan, you’ll soon get behind on the material that’s given to you. Maybe you used to be able to cram in a lot just before the deadline, but at a certain point that doesn’t work any more. Improving your planning skills is the first step towards achieving better study results.

“The very best way to study is if you know at the end of a day exactly what you’re going to do early next morning”.

How-to-plan coaching

How-to-plan coaching consists of one exploration phase and two coaching phases. In the first phase, you learn how to make a timetable. In the second phase, you learn how to keep to the timetable and to adjust it to your wishes and needs.

Preparation: Explore your motivation
To start with, you’ll explore your study motivation with your coach. What do you enjoy doing? You’ll look at where the difficulties lie. Have you never made a timetable? Or can’t you manage to keep to one? Once you’ve answered these questions clearly, you’re ready to improve your planning skills.

Coaching phase 1. Making a timetable
The first phase involves one or two coaching sessions, as making a timetable doesn’t always work in one coaching session of one hour. If you want to finish making the timetable together during the first session, then book a session for an hour and a half, and prepare for it at home by listing all your subjects, deadlines, credits and obligations. Most students work with two sessions. In the first hour, you make a start on the timetable together, so that you understand how it works and can continue to work on it at home. In the second session, you look at whether you managed to finish the timetable and get it properly balanced.

Coaching phase 2. Keeping to a timetable and refining it
Learning to keep to a timetable is very important. Follow-up sessions form an extra impulse for keeping to your timetable. You discover your wishes and preferences. While some people prefer to work uninterrupted on one subject, others need to constantly alternate between active tasks and less active ones. You’ll find out which are your peak moments of the day and at what times it’s best to timetable active tasks. You’ll learn to recognise your pitfalls and you’ll be given tips for avoiding them in future. Based on your experience, you’ll learn to adjust your timetable. Everything that prevents you from keeping to your timetable is addressed in the coaching sessions, for as long as it takes to get the process working for you.

“It makes such a difference if you know exactly what you have to do. The more concrete, the better. And you can gradually refine such a timetable until it works for you”.

What do you get from how-to-plan coaching?

  • You achieve better study results and therefore gain self-confidence.
  • You get an overview and therefore more peace of mind.
  • You get control and therefore feel less stress.
  • You divide up your time better and prevent peak loads around deadlines.
  • You have much less trouble with procrastination.


If you’d like to improve your studying, come and get to know Studiemeesters with no obligation. At the introductory talk, we’ll give you honest advice about what you need to achieve your goals.

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