The Doubting Procrastinator

You are a doubting procrastinator

When performing an academic task, you seem to suffer most from procrastination caused by a lack of will to perform. This doesn’t mean that this is the only reason you procrastinate; however, lack of will seems to be the foremost reason you block yourself from getting your task done.

Overall, you will not say anything to professors or tutors unless you are forced to. You tend to stay away, act impassive, you will not respond easily. You are at the moment not actively trying to acquire knowledge and you have low academic self-esteem.

You are likely a student who:

  • will not turn up for class;
  • will not seek help;
  • will avoid professors and tutors at all cost;
  • fears or disregards deadlines immensely;
  • looks unimpressed on the outside, but you are overall unhappy;
  • (sometimes) neglects your own mental and physical needs.

Others like you have said:

  • “Maybe I’m not cut out to be a student.”
  • “I look at all the work I have to do and all I see is a mountain I will never be able to climb.”
  • “I would rather sleep in than get up and be active.”


  • DO find someone you can trust to talk to – it will be hard to do so, but it is vital that you trust them.
  • DO perform in a group with peers – any social interaction will be very beneficial for you. Make sure that you (learn to) like your group!
  • DO give mini-presentations of any progress made –show your professors what you work on and ask for praise.
  • DO make your own decisions – try to trust your intuitions and build confidence in finding your own interests. Become a specialist in what you love!
  • DO seek medical attention if you feel overpowered or lack joy in your life – this is very important. This could be the result of a depression or a burn-out, or other health issues. Clinical depression is a serious condition that may result in life-threatening situations and should therefore be treated by medical professionals, not professors or peers. When in doubt, go see your doctor.-

  • DON’T look for help by sterner coaches or professors – you will only pull away from them

  • DON’T avoid going to class or lectures – be amongst peers!
  • DON’T get angry with yourself – this will make things worse.
  • DON’T fail to recognize when you need medical attention – this is potentially life-threatening.
  • DON’T hesitate getting help from educational professionals (after establishing that your health is not an issue).